Ornare is the Brazilian authority in bespoke wall systems and installations for closets, kitchens, bathrooms and home offices. The studio’s Design District showroom is set to welcome its Square Round collection in conjunction with its 35th anniversary.
Photo Credit: Ornare
“Our 35th-anniversary celebration is the stunning result of a smart collection, full of style and refinement,” says Murillo Schattan, CEO of Ornare Industrias in Brazil. “We thank everyone who participated for the commitment and deep study so that we could come up with a unique and exclusive concept that results in harmony between man and nature.”
Ornare’s Square Round collection is composed of five sophisticated lines: Round, Wire, Move, Square Wall and 270°. The collection is a collaborative effort between Ornare’s art director, Ricardo Bello Dias and architects, Patrícia Martinez and Vivian Coser, with coordination from CEO, Murillo Schattan. Additionally, the collection includes a set of stand-alone pieces which serve as elegant solutions for organizing environments.
Photo Credit: Ornare
The more you observe the Round line, designed by Ricardo Bello Dias, you realize its more seductive edges soften a rigid form. This effect is inspired by the curve of plants, sea waves and shells. The Round line’s cabinets, characterized by concave or convex corners, carries on the environmental motif with hints of delicate waves inside and out.
In contrast, the Wire line, designed by Patrícia Martinez, is characterized by the lightness of a thin aluminum structure. Elegant shelves, drawers and boxes made of varied materials enhances the line’s utilitarian storage system.
The collection’s series of curved details enriches the elegance of Ornare’s furniture. The Round Line is inspired by the Golden Ratio and surprises when closely-observed. Slowly but surely, you will realize the sinuous lines smoothen out a rigid form. Round’s kitchen, closet and bathroom furniture can be easily integrated with Ornare’s other lines for a wide choice of handles.
Photo Credit: Ornare
Along with the exciting new Square Round Collection, Ornare introduces a series of new Stow Sky add-ons, Safety Box accessories, and Cube Ripado and Candle&Shine technical details to complete the list of recent entries in the catalog. Uniquely, customers can customize, add or change minor configurations of this collections’ pieces over time.
“We are thrilled to welcome the Square Round collection to Miami and the U.S for the first time,” says Claudio Faria, CEO of Ornare Miami. “This collection embodies Ornare’s commitment to excellence in high-end, thoughtful design and engineering.”
Photo Credit: Ornare