The story goes that Shams of Tabriz was a nomadic mystic who wandered villages in search of a soul companion, a friend who could “endure his company” and be his intellectual counterpart. Shams’ search eventually led him to the scholar, Rumi. Upon encountering Rumi, Shams threw Rumi’s books into a river. “Who are you, and what are you doing?” Rumi asked. “You must now live what you’ve been reading about,” responded Shams. And at that moment, one of the greatest bromances in history began. And due to the pair’s genuine, deep connection, Rumi eventually transformed from a scholar into the world-renowned poet that we know today. Beyoncé and Jay-Z reverently named one of their twins, Rumi, after this most beloved poet.
So, this spring season should be the season for you to live what you’ve been reading about. And let’s face it, one’s best life begins at home. As such, your abode should be nothing short of inspiring; an oasis that ignites your passions. Throw out all the “how to” books and embrace only those home designs that reflect who you really are. You can rely on the following luxury home trends to guide you in making your home the design hit of 2019, but ultimately it’ll be up to you to go within yourself in order to create the ideal home that you’ll want to live, love and laugh in.
Exposed Piping
Imperfect is the new perfect. And exposed piping proves it. This industrial look has sprung into high-end luxury design for 2019.
Memorable Artwork
Inspiring art is pivotal to any luxury home. And as we see here, the tall floor sculpture is the central focus of this apartment.
Accent Walls
Accent walls are to the 21st century that shag rugs were to the ’70s.

Now, this is sleeping your way to the top . . . top of the world, that is.
A Splash of Color
A splash of indigo blue makes a bold statement: dignified and powerful. What color are you?
Suspended Light Fixtures
Unique light fixtures that suspend from the ceiling are lighting up luxury kitchens.
No Window Treatments 
Curtains and blinds are of a bygone era. Windows are now floor-to-ceiling in size, and drapes have been dropped. Baring it all, window style, is where home design is soaring these days.
Brown Is the New Grey
Taupe, sienna, bay, sand, wood, auburn, chestnut or tan. You choose. Fifty shades of brown are available to you in order to create a neutral zone that will be aesthetically pleasing to both men and women alike.
Clutter-Free Space
Throw out those tchotchkes because minimalism is in. Keeping the clutter organized and behind closed doors is analogous to your home slipping on stilettos or wearing the perfect tie.