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A book is a gateway into another world where black-and-white snapshots of life are transformed into technicolor masterpieces. What does this then say about libraries? That libraries are sacred spaces -actually hallowed grounds- that allow you unlimited access to knowledge and imaginations for you to reach your potential.
And these days, residential libraries are on the rise due to entrepreneurship and home flex-work schedules. To live luxuriously is to read, to work and to succeed. And it’s also about having a permanent quiet reading space -your own personal library- that inspires you to achieve the impossible.
Peruse these magnanimous libraries from around the world, accompanied by some of our most cherished authors who offer advice about reading.
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“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries.” – Descartes
Photo Credit: Sotheby’s International Realty
“Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.” – Lena Dunham
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“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King
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“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.” – Carl Sagan
Photo Credit: Sotheby’s International Realty
“Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren’t very new after all.” – Abraham Lincoln
Photo Credit: Sotheby’s International Realty
“I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.” – Jorge Luis Borges
Photo Credit: Christie’s International Real Estate
“Ah, how good it is to be among people who are reading.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
Relatable in perhaps more ways than one, these libraries hold the most memorable of characters —written by authors who were dreamers, know-it-alls, learners and seekers. Whether an escapist like Ray Bradbury, a know-it-all like Carl Sagan, a surrealist like Jorge Luis Borges, or a lover of language like Rainer Maria Rilke, readers know that books have immense power. And you will too, seated at home in your luxury residential library.