David and Sally Lyng have been residents of Pasatiempo since 1978. They have lived in two different homes during this time: 30 Clubhouse Road and 7 Bird Hill Lane. Both homes were built in the early 1930s and have architectural and historical importance. Clubhouse is a Clarence Tantau design and was the original seven-bedroom guest house for Pasatiempo. Their existing home on Bird Hill is a William Wurster. “We really appreciate the older architectural styles and charm of these homes.”
David and Sally have two daughters, Megan and Morgan, both raised in Pasatiempo. “We have really enjoyed the lifestyle Pasatiempo has given us through the years and we have truly appreciated living in this great community and feel very fortunate.” Sally’s parents, Vaughn and Dorothy Cook, lived in Pasatiempo at 80 Hollins Drive, another William Wurster home with Thomas Church gardens, from 1984 to 1998. “Vaughn was an avid golfer and they both loved the course, the community, Hollins House, and their friendships.” Recently, their daughter Morgan and her husband Greg Lukina, purchased 1 Bird Hill Lane. This home was designed by architect John E. Fennacy in 1940 for Joe and Maryon Costella, who lived there until Maryon’s passing. “It feels like it was meant to be as the girls spent a lot of time visiting with Joe and Maryon and they were like grandparents to them. We are also pretty enthusiastic that they only live three houses away, especially with our first grandchild on the way.”
Together, David and Sally opened David Lyng Real Estate in April 1980. This year they are celebrating their 35th office anniversary. They have grown from one office to five offices and 140 agents. This year, the company is honored to be the number one office in Santa Cruz County for total sales volume, buyer sales volume, and the most million dollar plus homes sold. Sally has been a realtor since 1978 and is the most successful realtor in Santa Cruz County with over a billion dollars in sales spanning her career. In 2014, she was again the number one agent in Santa Cruz County with over $45 million in sales volume. “Living here has made me a huge advocate for the area and I love sharing with potential homeowners what is so great about the Pasatiempo lifestyle. That passion and enthusiasm and my knowledge of the area has led to many new Pasatiempo homeowners. Over the years, I have sold over 100 homes in Pasatiempo. Some of them even two or three times. We feel so fortunate to be in a business where we get so much satisfaction from helping people through such an important life changing event.”