How to find your perfect home is not so difficult. And it’s because of Carrie Bradshaw that we know how to find the perfect home, which makes for a perfect life, so to speak.
In a popular episode of Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw had to either buy or lose her Manhattan apartment, and it was then we learned how Carrie actually spent $40,000 on her Manolo Blahniks and Jimmy Choos, which equaled what could have been a down payment on her apartment. However, all was well that ended well for Carrie, as she married Mr. Big and moved into real estate heaven -a penthouse that scintillated, sensationalized and celebrated luxury living- with Big. However, Carrie kept her rent-stablalized apartment even after she married Mr. Big. And that’s how it’s done; that’s how you find your perfect home.
The perfect home is actually having two homes. Whether you opt for a two-city lifestyle, or opt for the same city, two-domicile living arrangement, perfect living scenarios arise from seeing your significant other on weekends and designated weekdays. This dual-living approach makes for having the perfect jet-setter life. Think about it. Suppose you own a house near your office and your significant other has a condo walking distance from his job in another location. As a couple, you might decide to keep both the condo and the house, and then rendezvous on weekends. In some instances, dual homeownership can enhance the romantic life of spouses who choose to live separately on weekends, and then reunite during the week. Or vice versa.
You’d embrace dual homeownership if either you or your partner owned any one of these luxury properties.

You choose when to bask in these views, bathe in this luxury and escape mundane life in this picture-perfect home.