Real estate agents are expected to be absolute experts on their respective regions. What steps do you take in order to ensure you know positively all that you need to in order to keep your clients well informed?
Having been born and raised in Westfield, New Jersey, where I conduct the majority of my business, staying on top of what is going on in my market is pretty easy. I went through the public schools here and sit on several boards of trustees for local charities, which helps me stay in tune with what is happening. I make it a point to shop and eat out locally as well, so I can stay in touch with local merchants.
Do you utilize online or social media outlets to advertise clients’ properties? If so, in what way? If not, what are your most effective methods of advertisement?
I do use social media for my listings––Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook most commonly. It’s a great way to get the word out about new listings and let people preview the property before making an appointment to see it. I also still use some old fashioned methods of print advertising as well. Just listed and sold cards are still very effective. The local newspaper is a great place to introduce a home to the community. For luxury homes, I do take out as in higher-end publications as well.