What is the biggest challenge of being a top broker in the Jackson Hole Market?
Just trying to make yourself stand out from your competitors and provide the services potential buyers are looking for.
How much of a role do you think social media platforms play in your business model?
In our market, social media doesn’t have a great role yet. I have a Facebook page, but most of my clients come from online real estate searches.
Being a veteran in the business and accomplishing the great sales you have done- what small piece of advice would you give to a new broker looking to do the same?
Invest the time and be knowledgeable. If you want to be a successful broker, it’s a full time commitment. Get to know the market and the trends and know what’s out there. Often you will get a phone call and they have a specific need, and if you can’t fire back with a property they’re looking for, they’ll quickly move on to another broker.
To learn more about Carol Linton, visit her HLRN profile and website.
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