If you could pick 3 (belated) New Year’s design resolutions to make for 2014, what would they be? Why?
This new year stands to be one of tremendous growth and opportunity, and will see Barrage Design evolve from a one woman show into a multifaceted design firm. I’m definitely delving into into some uncharted waters, but I have resolved that when organic growth points the way, I will pave the road!
The launch of Barrage: Boutique is days away…buyers will be able to shop for one-of-a-kind pieces amongst ever evolving collections of both vintage and new decor and apparel. I’m also working in conjunction with project storefronts, a New Haven community initiative, to open a non-profit retail store based on a similar business model. Barrage: A Community Exchange would allow displaced individuals to gain work and life experience using art therapy as a means of emotional healing and social reintegration. It would also give local artists a place to work and sell their wares. No doubt seeing one seemingly insurmountable task after another can leave one blind sighted, but…
“One cannot find new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time”- Andre Gide
I have also resolved to bring the same sense of fearless into my designs. The journey to find my voice as a designer was arduous; I fought a lot of battles, and I lost a lot of wars. But in the end, as the dust began to settle, I realized that every dark experience, every wrong turn could be used in my quest to create beauty. “The only difference between stumping blocks and stepping stones is how you use them.”
Breathing new life into things has always been a transformative experience for me…and one I have long resolved to bring to others through the spaces I create.
I believe we can redesign the way we live by changing the space we do it in.
Name your favorite furniture and décor brands to work with. What makes them so special?
As a designer who specializes in vintage rehab and eco-friendly couture, my design process is meant to challenge our collective definitions of worth, value and luxury. As a result, I find myself focusing less on brands and more on singular pieces for inspiration. Anything vintage inspires me, from a crushed velvet chair to a handwritten note in a really old book. There was an opulence of eras past that I’m always trying to recreate in my designs. I’m particularly inspired by vintage clothing…the fabrics and textiles are so bold, rich and intricate. It speaks a lot abut the people who wore them. I find that fashion trends and design movements are born of the same collective consciousness and that each generations voice can be heard through both the chairs they sat in and the shoes they wore. To me, progressive design is marked by the sharp juxtapositions that the marriage of old and new create. It is by surrounding myself with things of the past that I am most inspired to create the designs of the future.