Live Anywhere in the World with a Solar-Powered Ecocapsule

The Ecocapsule—a tiny, egg-shaped space—is a low-energy dwelling that allows inhabitants to live off-grid anywhere in the world. Designed by Bratislava-based Nice Architects, the ultra-portable microshelter is powered by solar and wind energy, and includes rainwater collection and filtration.


The compact pod measures 14.6 feet in length, 7.9 feet in width, 8.2 feet in height and has 88 square feet of usable floor space. The sustainable, portable home comes with a folding bed, two large operable windows, a dining area, shower, flushable toilet, storage space, and a built-in kitchenette with running water.


The Ecocapsule is powered by a built-in 750W wind turbine and a 2.6-square-meter array of high-efficiency solar cells. Because of the dual-power system and high-capacity battery, the shelter will stay operable during low solar periods or wind activity.


The Ecocapsule weighs 3,306 pounds and can fit inside a standard shipping container.

Details and photos courtesy of Inhabitat

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