Pedini Miami earth day 2021

Pedini’s Mission To Go Green | Pedini Miami

Editor’s Note: Pedini Miami shares the goals of Pedini’s efforts to go green, including new practices like 100% post-consumption, recycled wood in their signature designs.

Pedini Miami earth day 2021Photo Credit: Courtesy of Pedini Miami

In the last decade, there has been a major push to adopt green, eco-friendly practices in various industries, including construction and contractor businesses. Green construction solutions not only have a positive impact on the environment, but these practices also offer an opportunity to provide improved value and long-term cost savings to consumers and companies alike.

That is why we are proud to announce that Pedini Miami is doubling down on its commitment to stay green by adopting sustainable, ecological practices, such as the use of eco-friendly, 100% post-consumption, recycled wood for the fabrication of our signature kitchens and cabinets. Additionally, our products have the absolute lowest amount of formaldehyde in the industry.

Pedini’s efforts to go green have been acknowledged by groups that specialize in recognizing Earth-friendly practices. Pedini currently has the following certifications, all of which have been granted by some of the most prestigious international organizations in the business:

  • 100% Green Power Certification
  • IDROLEB Ecological Panel Certified
  • CI Made in Italy 100% Certified
  • Model 231 Ethical Code Certification

For a full list of our certifications and what they signify, we invite you to visit this link.

While these certifications mean a lot for our credibility as a green company, they also help give our customers the peace of mind of knowing we are fully compliant with the highest ecological standards. By choosing a green construction company like Pedini, you can benefit from an increase in direct financial ROI, a higher property value, and a more livable home setting. At Pedini Miami, we have completed a wide variety of sustainable construction projects in the South Florida area. Let us help you achieve your vision for a modern, more eco-friendly home.

To learn more about our green practices and eco-friendly materials, visit Remember to contact us for any questions or to get a free consultation and quote.

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