Photo Credit: kliniko
A devotee of art and architecture seen through the lens of dentistry, Dr. Humza Arif of kliniko, provides full mouth rehabilitation encompassed in an unsurpassed clinical experience. Through his elevation in the dental space, so too has the profile of clientele that travel to sunny South Florida. “The people are as eclectic as the city’s architecture and art. We create an experience made tangible in every smile and every experience my patients go on to create on their own thereafter. It’s an ongoing gift that maintains humility in service to my patients.”
Dr. Arif gave Haute Design a peek into his traveling philosophy after returning to Miami from some time abroad.
Haute Design: You were recently out of the country. Where did you go? How long were you away?
Dr. Humza Arif: The mission of the kliniko brand inspires perspectives, and with it, new experiences naturally come to fruition. Ukraine was my most recent international visit and it was an immersion of several weeks. Because of the multiple collaborations that exist, I want to ensure the culmination of perspectives for my patients at kliniko.
HD: Did the trip pertain to anything kliniko-related?
DHA: Because kliniko is an extension of the creative space in oral health/dentistry, I find all trips have something to do with kliniko. This trip in particular revolved around embracing team dynamics and infrastructure in regard to the experience that will culminate in March 2022. I am thrilled to share it.
HD: What particular things do you pay attention to while overseas?
DHA: I could not name one certain set of things. As an individual who shares the passion found in form and function, it is important to remain open and receptive. There is so much to see, understand and appreciate. Pay attention to everything, for in every detail is a world to experience.
HD: What are five essentials you carry with you when traveling?
DHA: The essentials I carry are consistent with the senses I have implemented at kliniko. Products that I have come to appreciate are Grown Alchemist Chapstick, Aesop Reverence Aeromatique hand balm, Mancera Rose Vanille Eau du Parfum, Dr. Paul’s Patchuli Musk Toothpaste, and one of my Nikon cameras.

Photo Credit: kliniko
HD: Ultimately, what benefits does travel provide to your overall design outlook?
DHA: Travel is such an integral part to the perspectives and outlooks we all share. The tapestry of design and architecture is an inspiration of what we all share. It all comes together at kliniko, and our patients will not only feel inspired themselves, but they will leave with smiles that will inspire others as well.
HD: Do you have any plans for your next trip?
DHA: There is something to be said about spontaneity when it comes to travel. It helps you keep an open mind and keeps you prepared to receive all the beauty around us. As of right now, we at kliniko plan to embrace that concept and we will be happy to share what comes next in the months to come!