Celebrate Modern Design With The Modernism America Awards Ceremony

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Tune into the Modernism America Awards Ceremony on November 11 to commemorate the documentation, preservation, and reuse of modern buildings, structures, and landscapes built in the United States. The Awards is tentatively virtual, but the date could change if able to be held in person.

“The Awards recognize those building owners, design teams, advocacy and preservation organizations that have made significant efforts to retain, restore, and advocate for the aesthetic and cultural value of such places,” stated the Modernism in America Awards website.

The deadline for early nominations is 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time on April 29. All nominations for the Awards must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time on June 2.

The ceremony consists of a jury that awards the design efforts. Marcel Quimby, FAIA, is the chairman of the Awards. Quimby is the principal of Quimby Preservation Studio, which is a preservation architecture and planning consulting firm. The jury includes Michael Chen, Gina Ford, Kelsey Keith, and John Reddick.

There are three award categories that the juries recognize: design, inventory, and advocacy. The Design Award is given to design efforts that “preserve, restore, or adapt a modern building, structure, or landscape of local, regional, or national significance, securing its presence for future generations.” The Design Award is divided into three subcategories: residential, commercial, and institutional.

The Inventory Award is given to design efforts that “document, inventory, and/or create a preservation plan for one or more modern buildings, structures, or landscapes of local, regional, or national significance.” Submitted nominations include a website, book, publication, or exhibition.

Presented by the Docomomo US Board of Directors, the Advocacy Award is given to design efforts that “preserve and advocate for threatened modern buildings, structures, or landscapes of local, regional, or national significance through advocacy efforts.” Advocacy and preservation organizations or groups are nominated for this award.

The Awards consists of a committee that manages nomination and eligibility guidelines, jury selection, submission guidance. This year’s committee is Theodore Prudon, Meredith Bzdak, Tonia Moy, and Gregory Ibañez.

For more information visit the Modernism in America Awards website or contact awards@docomomo-us.org.

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